Friday, November 30, 2012

2nd marking period review

Carlos Morocho                                                                                                                                MARKING PERIOD 2
MS Wang                                                                                                                                             11/29/12

What have I learned this marking periods, has been many new things.  From making a nice suit take a pattern but changing its color and style to a face mask.  I learned how to make myself seem better and change my appearance. I was able to change my face to get better or brighter teeth. But instead of that I made my eyes green and my hair blue. This may had been a little drastic but it let me experiment with the concept of how to correct or change my features. Also this marking period I was able to show my countries pride by outing my flag( Ecuadorian) on my face and to make it nicer I, also put it in a ball. Although the flag on the ball came out nicer than my face behind it was fun. I was able to make my flag wrap itself around a texture of my choice. I could had picked a brick to start but that was to plain but none the less that project was the best one all this marking period. But another of my choice was the motion blur project. This one was a very easy project it took me less than a period of class but it made the picture cool. I took a picture of a car that had no moving parts on it and blurred it and then I took the blur of the car to make it seem like it was riding past all the other objects. Also this time I was able to make a poster that promotes the healthy life. I made a poster that I had chips on eat and I switched it with a salad. It was a pretty nice project a little boring but none the less it had its bright side. Also like the last there is one that is my least favorite project because it was hard and took too much time. This project was as hard as the Crazy project last marking period. But of course with a help of my fellow students and teacher I was able to overcome the challenge that was for this project and get it. The process to do this project was that we had to watch a 20 minute video on how to do it but if that wasn’t hard enough we had to be creative and think about what the video shows and since you can’t do the same you had to find a way to do it with your own computer and program. Then since this was getting me nowhere, thankfully Ms Wang had shown me a different video that helped me proceed with the project. This project was a 2 week process but at the end it was cool. All the projects where cool there were the favorites and not that good. But now that I have handed in my project I will go back to my new obtain ability in multimedia to make things that will help me in the near future... 100% JAJAJA

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